Issue Reason:
Over the last year the CM team has come across many issues affecting our community, while some solutions come quick, others take time. We have seen many high stress situations this year and it was apparent that we needed to get the community all on the same page. The main factor was getting a concise and unified rules list set among the community and oversight into verifying that the community was enforcing rules consistently. To this end one person took the lead into verifying all the supported games were enforcing, teaching, and applying the same rules across the community. With constant dedication in our discord directing our team, pushing the envelope, and even garnering ire from members who want to do it their way. She has stood firm with the belief of eGO's ideals. For that dedication and hard work, we give the leadership member of the year to Luna.
Issue Reason:
Last year, we began the long process of revamping several aspects of our admin training. This included rewriting and restructuring the basic admin training guidelines. This is always a monumental task and cannot be completed by any one person. Without the help of these two individuals, we would likely still be working on this project. In addition to these facts, without these two individuals, we would likely still be working on this project. In addition to these facts, these two individuals are long-standing members and active in several aspects of the community. It is because of these reasons, I am proud to present ComradeLuna and 4g0tt3nSou1 with the Admin Trainer of the Year award.
Issue Reason:
We are very lucky to have Nick in the CS Division. He is constantly coming up with good ideas to help better the Jail server. Whenever Nick is on, he makes sure that everyone is having a fun time. He has been an Admin Trainer for a couple of months now and has been doing a great job. His dedication is amazing, and to show our appreciation, we are proud to present him with the DL Commendation.
Issue Reason:
Nick has been apart of the Counter-Strike division for a very long time. For the past couple of months he has been a dedicated jail player. He has been making Jail a fun environment for everyone, encouraging people to fill Jail, and has posted helpful threads about jail. Recently, he became a Server Boss, and has made some really important changes to the jail server. We are very honored to have Nick! in the CSS Division, and with that we are pleased to present him with the Advisor Commendation.
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