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    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread CS Jailbreak Jb Server.
      It is typically busier during summers and I would assume it will be busier with the holidays as well.
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread CS Jailbreak RIP Jailbreak.
      The issue is on Valve, trying to use that community browser is a joke. No way for the old heads who are not as active anymore to be...
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread EdgeGamers is dying.
      You mentioned it to an extent, getting streamers on here would definitely help. Could do something to encourage people to stream our...
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread TTT>JB.
      the return of the king
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread EdgeGamers is dying.
      Yeah I 100% would agree. I think everyone who writes and reads these posts have a deep love as well as passion for this community and...
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread EdgeGamers is dying.
      From the CS side of things, I think part of it is on Valve. Community servers do not get the love they once did and many old-time...
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread New Opportunities?.
      That is super nice congrats! The pile of student loans might be my least favorite thing but at least I went to CC before uni to avoid...
    • Realize
      Congrats! big congrats to @Vortexz as he is so deserving of it!!
    • Realize
      Hello all, I was wondering if anyone had an exciting new life opportunity in life they wanted to share. Typically I am curious about...
    • Realize
      Realize replied to the thread Server Fill Notification.
      Thank you!
    • Realize
      Hello all, I just wanted to hear other people's opinions on this. I wondered what others thought of the daily discord notifications of...
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