Going in, everyone knows this is a 24/7 avalanche server, maps may change once in a while, but the owners of the server prefer avalanche - as do many since that's why we hang around. I personally love this map.
If anyone is tired of ava, the best thing to do is occasionally go to another server playing different maps. I do that once in a while too, there are TONS of other servers out there playing all sorts of maps, some even custom, and they can be pretty good. There's one called DFNW They Will Come (or something like that), that has a snowscape that is very decent.. Small server but not bad at all.
I understand why ppl would like to play on the eGO server; the maturity level, good crowd, decent admins....and believe me, those qualities are few and far between.
So if avalanche is getting boring, take a vacation and surf to other servers and come back when you are ready. I can promise you there will always be a bullet with your name on it or a cheery gent swinging a shovel when you return to eGO !amazed