[poll] World of Warcraft

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Poster Extraordinaire
Some of the clan and I were thinking of moving this awesome pwning clan full of pwning people to WoW. And forming a Wow guild! of course this is all optional and will need permission from counsil members to bring eGO outside of DoD. I think this would be a great way to spread eGO and promote it to the most popular game in the world. Just thought i would be awesome for eGO members to be on a realm and start and also bring characters to the realm. and if u dont have any char. on the realm you can always move them.

As you can see i have a poll up at the top listing the different types of play, choose which type of play you would like to do, and then we will vote for the appropriate realm to join.

Just a thought guys,

yours truly, the almighty

I've got several friends who still play it, so I might pick it back up with the release of burning crusades. If I do I won't be gracing any non-pvp server with my wonderful presence.
I'm all for the PvP. We just need to agree on a server already! Would you guys be opposed to starting off on one of the new servers when they start a few more up?
I'll most likely have most of my peeps on horde mug'thol. Although I wouldn't be entirely opposed to throwing out another character to w/e server was agreed upon as long as it's pvp.
Meh i play on the same server as Kitten AND IM NOT LEAVING! i Am In a NICE GUILD, that has Huge bank and nice people in it.
Well what do ya know.. I just installed it and updated it lastnight.. but sadly my chars are on Whisperwind.. so I dunno. Maybe hit up a pvp server but the last one I was on was full of asshats.. bad experience for me. Why I went to whisperwind. If I do get going on WoW.. Don't worry fellas.. Ima still pwn all on DoD :p
seems as though we are all on diff. realms, you know you can switch them.... and no guild could ever be better than the ALMIGHT EGO WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT!
but the servers arnt up yet....*sigh* and hr after they said they would be.... thats after the 4 hr delay in the first place...... stupid blizzard
seems as though we are all on diff. realms, you know you can switch them.... and no guild could ever be better than the ALMIGHT EGO WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT!
1. I have been in this guild for 5 months.....
2. I learned about eGO last week
3. I am The only NON-60 to be in cousel
4. The Bank Is Huge!
I dont mean to bust anyones bubbles but i can say without a shadow of a doubt that EGO WILL NOT have anything do do with world of warcraft!!!!! this is a dod clan only. I have personally seen what multi gaming has done to other clans. especially where that game is concerned.
Aye, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with some people getting together on another game. As was mentioned earlier, most people don't want to leave their current wow guilds anywho.
I dont mean to bust anyones bubbles but i can say without a shadow of a doubt that EGO WILL NOT have anything do do with world of warcraft!!!!! this is a dod clan only. I have personally seen what multi gaming has done to other clans. especially where that game is concerned.
I know what you mean im in a Clan called |:XAS:| and we are a multi-game clan for CS;S, DoD(Old V.), Red Orcistra, Halo, and a few other games... the clan fell apart one time like a year ago and it got back togeather 10 days after, But with a new Co-Leader. the clan has been made like 2 or 3 years ago.
so we have managed jest fine (|:XAS:| fourms.... [link=http://xasclan.org/forum/ url]HERE[/link])
I play wow but i'm not exactly settled on a server. Still trying to find a good one to play on.

Diffusion with clan participated games can make or break. I've known some clans to be branched out in FPS, RTS, MMO's and they've floated. I've also known some that haven't. It does take a good staff and leadership to manage each division, which is possible. Does help get a name out there though.
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