Im sck of this guys. for something the clan messed up with long ago, i am at blame and cant be trusted. An unjust way to treat some one. its gone to extreams which not one other clan would do"PHone calls. meeting WTF ./ yes i know it is for securety cuz of the faulty past but that is to much to ask of some one. how do i not know your not all nasty people . i dont. Thank you for messing up the funn in this game. (im not talkingto allt he clan just the selfish asshats that suck on the past and such. I must thank One shot, shadow jello, dye, and few others for making my time fun. but i guesse this is goodbye. you might see me on a few but dont expect it to be good wishes. unless you where my friend. and trust me youll know who you are(no i wont disrespect i just wont talk.