

I just got a PS3 today.. so i might not be on for awile even though ill try to get on once in awile. But if anyone has Resistance Fall Of Man or just a PS3 give me a heads up on what ur name is so we can play online.
nice. *cough* Waste *cough cough* of *cough cough cough* money *cough cough gag* *dead*

but nice either way, i was playin fall of man for like 2 hours at best buy and the people there kicked me off lol
Well I do want one but I think that gaming consoles that cost that amount of money are just a way of the coumpany to suck out money of people because they like it so much... That PS3 probably only cost like 100 bucks to make, yet they want you to think its awsome so they charge you more... Thats why people buy them they think that a exspensive console is good becasue it costs so much... Other than that have fun!!! :)
no the ps3 is worht it though. to get a blue ray disc player only it is 1k th eps3 u get blue ray plus other stuff for only 600.
my computer could manhandle a Wii and a 360 combined haha, idk about a PS3 though, i need to get a game that PC and PS3 both make and compare.... like oblivion, CoD 3,2, yeah.....somone gimmie one
There are things consoles do a lot better than a computer, regardless of how good your computer is. Also, if your computer is manhandling games it's probably has a bigger budget than the consoles did as well. As for the PS3, I hear sony won't be making any money off their actual system for a while. Using blue ray and some other stuff was a big no no, but sony likes to mess good things up so it's no surprise. Not to mention half of the games that are produced for the consoles will never see a computer release, so in the end you can brag all you want about having a great computer but you won't be playing all the games on it anyways.
ps3 is not out here yet :(

LMAO...omg wow that rich :D
I just got a PS3 today.. so i might not be on for awile even though ill try to get on once in awile. But if anyone has Resistance Fall Of Man or just a PS3 give me a heads up on what ur name is so we can play online.

congratz! but, in my option nintendo Wii is better. While Sony decided to do what every console does...make BETTER graphs, nintendo was actually smart enough to make a console that had better game-play and get people more interactive. exp. my me and my dad/bro play tennis on it all the time :D . Zelda is wicked awsome too, if i must add.
They are coming out with blue ray disc optical drives so soon MY computer will be able to handle wii ps3 and xbox360 lol
waiting for price to go down before i get one. i have a wii and a 360 also. wii isnt that great right now. new zelda is too ez. :(

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