Uploading new Avatar


Poster Extraordinaire
Whenever I try to upload a new avatar, I get a "resize" message, even though it fits between the required parameters. If I try to use a remote avatar (i.e. photobucket), it doesn't insert it. Is there anything going on in the forum internals? It worked b4, but not now. Any Ideas?
avatar is an image that you choose to define your player name. It will appear under a player's name when they post. You've seen a few of them.....normally mine is a Reaper but has now (annoyingly) disappeared.
o thats wut i always thought it was. i jus tried to do 1 but it said bmp files r not allowed :(

BMP files are disgusting huge compared to other image formats. Sometimes you want this, but generally, jpg/png or whatever else is a better choice. Convert to that and you should be fine.
im not that comp smart. but if u hav xfire giv me that and u can tel me how to do it cause i rather not hijak this thread like wut happened to dyematrix again (even tho i kinda alredy did B) )
im not that comp smart. but if u hav xfire giv me that and u can tel me how to do it cause i rather not hijak this thread like wut happened to dyematrix again (even tho i kinda alredy did B) )

Well, it's easy to explain. Open up an image in MS Paint (start > program files > accesories > paint), go to the file menu and click "save as" When you pick an image name, below that there's a drop down box for the format. Click it and select "jpg."

If you have a more highpowered program like paint shop pro, it's pretty much the same process.
Get a free photobucket account and upload that there... Then size it to a avatar size... copy and bast the bottom message.. I really hope you know all this... And make the