
ok plz rember if there is a (eg) or an (eGO) on the server please please please let them deall with ant problems there might be .

i have made this post because there are some (e) s threating to kick/ban peaple when there is an admin on the server. although u are a valued part of this clan u do not however have admining abilltys , and it makes us all look foolsh if u say u are goping to kick/ban them and are unable to carry that out .

if there any major problems on our servers and no admin is present u can always use xfire to get in touch somone with =(eGO)= status, prefreably a clan adviser or a member of the council . to find out who are the clan advisors and mebers of the council (boss men ) plz select roster from the start page .

if no members of the council are avilible likewise for the clan advisers feel free to contact me or any other =(ego)= regarding any problems u may have . i am always on xfire even if i am not playing dod (because i have no life lol :))
so rember have a great time on the servers and leave the admining to others (we will look after u :p)
sorry for the long post

be cool and peace out , as tommy would say get in there and shoot some one <<<<<<<<< nicked qoute lol :p
yea i guess i do this but i dont threaten to kick or ban. all i do is if som1 said some foul language i would tel them not to say that or if they had an inappropriate name i would tel them to change it. all tho i mite get carried away at times i dont threaten to kick or ban.
Just a suggestion. Why dont you make the =(e)= like all the other tags. Make them a little difficult to get, just so that you know you are not getting jerks on the server.
We use the =(e)= as a starting point. That tells us who is interested. As Bane has said and I have said in game when there is an =(eG)= let him handle it. If there is an =(eGO)= most times he will handle it unless he tells an (eG)= to. As a person wearing an =(e)= you should be watching and learning. If the is a council member in and he says he has it just sit back, watch and learn.

Again what I expect out of an =(e)= is someone that helps with server rules but understands less is better.

NOw get in the servers and shoot someone! :)
Hi guys, if there are e's reading this dont feel bad. If im on a server just let me know, if it is far more serious i will do my best to get in touch with an eGO, in the mean time have fun, and cya on the servers :D
Just a suggestion. Why dont you make the =(e)= like all the other tags. Make them a little difficult to get, just so that you know you are not getting jerks on the server.
I think what samuri means is why not make it a difficult tag to replicate... Like †(e)† <---- Now i dont think everyone can make the † sign... :D
I think what samuri means is why not make it a difficult tag to replicate... Like †(e)† <---- Now i dont think everyone can make the † sign... :D

cant the jus go into console or get it from the player list and copy and paste it tho :|
ok I have told some people to watch language and that stuff but have never said anything about kicking or baning. But I will just leave all that to the eGs or eGOs no prob. !lol
well its not making the tag harder to write, just like. i find it and easy way to make your clan look bad. I mean if you have people wearing the =e= tag that means they are part of the clan. So if one person is mouthing of and threatening to ban it makes the whole clan look bad.

One shot, what your saying in a way is right but i really meant that there should be a little sort of initiation instead of being allowed to wear the tag on the spot.

Thats just one little quirk i see. EVERYTHING ELSE IS PERFECT IN THIS SERVER. dont anyone forget it.
or what u can do is have some of the E's with contact to an admin or 2, and tell the person who screwes up the server that an admin will be called if he doesn't chill out... that should work.