
Active Member
I am trying to pick some classes for next year, but I DUNNO WHAT TO CHOOSE!! =(!!
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What classes are yall taking? I am gonna be Junior H Student next year. Whats yall's GPA? My parents b**** about me going to college! ZOMG!
A little overboard on the smilies there dude. As for what to take...well, I don't know what your highschool offers. Just take whatever sounds interesting, whether it be anything from cisco network academy to future teachers academy. Although I exhausted all of the CS/networking-related classes my HS had to offer pretty quickly, which may be a problem for others of similar interests.
College is a good idea ;)

If you're planning on becoming any type of science major / engineer take a lot of math. Having a good foundation in math is a godsend in college.

Try and take classes that will make you appear to a well-rounded individual. Make sure to challenge yourself as a student and take some difficult classes.
When picking classes, you should pick the classes that are required at some point in high school (disregaurd this step if you're in junior high), rather than electives. Pick only two or three classes that give out a lot of homework at a time, one of the worst things you can do is swamp yourself with too much homework. It will drive you crazy, always worrying about getting all the work done, and it leaves you without relaxation time to keep you sane. The classes I take are Sociology, Practical Chemistry, and Computer Skills. I only have to take three because I don't go to a normal high school, but when I did I took a full class load to get out of gym class, and that was a big mistake. That was when I learned the value of not overdoing it on the workload you take on.