Requesting Clarification: Avalanche

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I made one post
Note: Not exact quotes
I saw a ban contest post, about someone banned for "barrier jumping," and stated he "went up the ladder," to the Allied house. And he was also saying, "if that is against the rules, i saw nothing." And I looked through it, but it was all to vague to determine rather it is or not.

I clearly understand if a person goes right to the corner by the stairs doorway and prones and blasts everyone on their respawn, but other cases such as climbing the ladder to get to the sniper room by Allied I'm uncertain on.

I don't know if it was this server or some other clan server (pardon my subpar memory), that had/has "no barrier jumping" rule, however the clan members were boosting up to the balcony of Axis 2, and wondering if that classifies as barrier jumping.

Inside the apartments, the room where allied enters from the allied house bridge... Is it alright to enter that room (and NOT barrier jump), and throw a grenade into doorway of bridge to knock of MG setup on allied house bridge.
Let me try yo answer your questions.

1 yes it is againist the rules to barrier jump. It is ok to go up the ladder and goto the sniper room. If you go down the stairs you will be banned.

2. It is ok to boost to the balcony on the axis second 2nd

3. yes you can do that

The big thing is to NOT go into the allied spawn. I hope this helps.
Okay, #2 concerns me. I'm know I'm new and all and you're probably prefer not to see such questions from me, but how is boosting to axis 2 balcony any different than barrier jumping in the apartments? Entering the opposing way to a one way, both leading into opposing side's house.
There is a difference coming in from the axis second is a lot harder to do and live just as going out the window and going up the ladder is.
You are unable to barrier jump on our ava server we have placed a barrier on the barrier to prevent that.
Boosting at the axis 2nd flag -> *3* other legit ways to gain entry to that building. Barrier jumping for axis going over the bridge can cause quick chaos among spawning allies, the same cannot be done by boosting allies. There is a difference between hard to reach, and a purposely made barrier to keep people from going over it.
Boosting at the axis 2nd flag -> *3* other legit ways to gain entry to that building. Barrier jumping for axis going over the bridge can cause quick chaos among spawning allies, the same cannot be done by boosting allies. There is a difference between hard to reach, and a purposely made barrier to keep people from going over it.
I suppose it's one of the situations, where only the creators know, rather it was meant for players to traverse or not. But in the ends, it's truely about how the servers wish to treat the situation.
yeah nice try gary :) and about the boosting bane said it takes time in which you can get shot.... 2 for 1....thats a juicy target!
I have boosted into the Axis 2nd a number of times, and some of the time, the people say that it is illegal. But here on the forums it says that it isn't. So which is correct? Or does it really just depend on who the admin on at that particular time is?
Gary for insulting me so I will punch you in the face!
And terpfan if an admin tells you its illegal gently tell him to check out this thread but other wise dont start a fuss liek "wah im soooo right"
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