My girlfriends dad just had a stroke, I almost got arrested, I just about got gang beat, etc.

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My girlfriends dad just had a stroke, I almost got arrested, I just about got gang beat, etc.

My day sucked. All of it. At school I nearly got the crap beat out of me for not doing a little task for some guys, and I barely got out of it by saying I would finish it tonight. I finally got home and got on the computer. After playing a little, she calls and she is freaking out and telling me to come to the hospital, her dad was in bad shape, etc. So I get down there and shes crying her eyes out and she didn't stop for the whole freaking day practically. I'm beat. Running around town with her, trying to calm her down. Sure enough, after listening to her cry for hours on end, I almost forgot to do the task for the guys at school. I barely got there in time to get the job done, and all the while Alex (my girlfriend) won't shut up and stop asking me why we were driving out of our way and I can't tell her what I'm going to do. Then the cop came. I was doing ten above the limit (I don't speed unless it is absolutely necessary) and he pulled me over. Asks me whats up, I tell him I'm on my way to see a friend. Then he looks at Alex and she looks like she has been through hell, and he asks her if shes all right and she just starts crying. So he asks me to step out of the car because he figures I'm the reason shes going nuts in there. And just as he's reaching for the cuffs she gets her act together enough and tells him what happened and he lets us go with nothing but the ticket (luckily he had some decency unlike most cops I've delt with before). I just managed to get my job done on time to, the guy I had to meet was walking out as I was walking in. So we finally get back to my house and it took her another hour to finally cry herself to sleep on my bed. It's finally over. Ever have one of those days?
Wow, that's really rough. BTW, be careful with the gang thing. Do too many things and they own you, then you get deeper and deeper.
if u need help with the gang thing call me and i will get all my guns( i hunt alot) and i will take care of them, dang city foke! !dodge
Some countries, that kind of day isn't so bad. It can always get worse. Besides, you should want to be there for your girl.
[quote1169881749=Hugo Maximus]
if u need help with the gang thing call me and i will get all my guns( i hunt alot) and i will take care of them, dang city foke! !dodge
Thanks for the offer, but they aren't a gang as in an organized possy of petty criminals doing pointless acts that harm society. They are just four guys who showed up to remind me that I still owed them a favor because I got cocky and lost them a lot of money. They are right, I do owe them, and I will gladly pay them back. It just came at a bad time. They would have just ganged up on me had I refused. I'm just glad they haven't asked me to do anything more. They probably have someone else handing out their stuff for them. Why take chances with a guy like me when I just got off probation a month or two ago and it's well known that I ratted out a few people to get myself out of even worse trouble. I'm not touching drugs again after I'm done giving these guys their favors, I promised that after the first time I got caught. I'm just glad I only handed them out for the guys and don't do any myself or I wouldn't have been able to rat out enough people to save my sorry butt.
lol yeah me and spillman will get in my el camino or his camo seatcover truck and go blast some gangstasss! but thats cool that cop let you go. hope your girls dad gets better!
[quote1169947592=The Pie Baron]
[quote1169881749=Hugo Maximus]
if u need help with the gang thing call me and i will get all my guns( i hunt alot) and i will take care of them, dang city foke! !dodge
Thanks for the offer, but they aren't a gang as in an organized possy of petty criminals doing pointless acts that harm society. They are just four guys who showed up to remind me that I still owed them a favor because I got cocky and lost them a lot of money. They are right, I do owe them, and I will gladly pay them back. It just came at a bad time. They would have just ganged up on me had I refused. I'm just glad they haven't asked me to do anything more. They probably have someone else handing out their stuff for them. Why take chances with a guy like me when I just got off probation a month or two ago and it's well known that I ratted out a few people to get myself out of even worse trouble. I'm not touching drugs again after I'm done giving these guys their favors, I promised that after the first time I got caught. I'm just glad I only handed them out for the guys and don't do any myself or I wouldn't have been able to rat out enough people to save my sorry butt.
I'm not touching drugs again after <---- Dude man you better watch that... If thats what you had to do and you got caught, Thats 5-10 years...
Don't think I'm not aware of the danger of walking around and handing out that crap, I already got caught once and I don't intend to do it ever again. None the less, I owe them and they are not afraid to beat the living daylights out of me if I don't pay them back. As for my girlfriends dad, it was a medium sized stroke, not all that bad but at the same time not all that good. They don't know if he will be fine, slightly retarded, etc., only time will tell. As for her, she slept a whole 12 hours. She's doing a bit better today.
Uhh.... call the cops. No brainer.
that doesnt work with gangs. too many people with too many connections. better off just taking the beating sometimes
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