Best Games that you had post here! New


EGO Addict

Okay, I got the idea of making this thread after me and Josh played a game of LOL. So, if you want take a pick. and and post it here.

Alright, A few ground rules added in.

1. Make sure the image is viewable, but not massive.
2. Some minor trash talking is aloud, but don't let it get heated.
3. Post

Image By IceGladiator
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Hey guys, if your Summoner name ISNT the same as your eGO profile, please tell us who you were playing or what ur name is -.- .....
Nice! but i dont know how you can play trynd he's terrible IMO

Hes weak early game, but mid to late game he really picks up the pace. As long as your defensive early you should be fine. My favorite champion :)

Had to solo lane against their Amumu for a little while, but he didn't know how to use his ult correctly against me. :p

Pretty fun champion though.

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