ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! lol <3 mejai's soulstealer! I had somewhere around 329+ ability power that game and was only partially built, and lets just say between my runes, my 20 stack of mejai's , and blue buff, Kassadin's R/ult teleport had a cooldown of 2 seconds.
Only second time playing Jungle Skarner. Enjoyed him jungling more than laning. Friend and fellow eGO member Skeletalphrame playing Fizz(and thats his best game ever in LoL), who was solo top against Tristana and Garen.
Only second time playing Jungle Skarner. Enjoyed him jungling more than laning. Friend and fellow eGO member Skeletalphrame playing Fizz(and thats his best game ever in LoL), who was solo top against Tristana and Garen.
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