[poll] Refurbished Products

What do you guys think about refurbished products? IYO, are they really as good as new? Just asking cause I'm considering buying something that's refurbished.
I own a 1954 Chevrolet 3100 pickup truck and it requires parts all the time. Refurbished parts are always an option and they are way cheaper and just like new. So refurbished is the way to go!!!
Refurbished parts for my car - YES Refurbished Electonics - NO.

A lot of RMA departments don't fully test refurb parts. Some are better than others, but I've dealt with some pretty awful ones that just stick a component in a system and if Windows sees it they say "Works fine!" and put it on the refurb shelf. Usually refurb parts work, but sometimes they don't. I've had Dell send me refurb parts for some of our PowerEdge servers at work that were DOA. Basically, it's a gamble - if the part works, you saved some cash. Some places offer a warranty on refurb parts, so that helps too.
I would say it depends on what it is and how much of a discount you get. For example, a regional electronics store where I live puts refurbished hardware up for, if you're lucky, $10 off. Usually more like $5. We're talking items that can cost $200 or more. Well, for such things just give me the new one and I'll pay the extra couple bucks.

On the other hand, if it's, say, a car part that works well and the discount is considerably substantial, I'll probably go with that.
I bought my old xbox refurbished, no problems in 2 years, so i vote yes, oh and dont bother with any warranties or anything...in my opinion they are a waste of money no matter what.
[quote1170551622=Gary Hornwell]
$206 USD new vs $160 refurb. what do you think?

What is it? Also, can you test it before you buy?

If you can test it, see that it works well, etc, I'd probably go for that.
Dont get refurbished paintball gear... I did and it caused me hella trouble...

lol yeah, thats a bad thing. Bought a used angel looked all good on the outside and i asked about the inside and he didnt say much...so when i got it and field stripped it .....there was like termites crawling out of it, it was sick... ~:(
Dont get refurbished paintball gear... I did and it caused me hella trouble...

lol yeah, thats a bad thing. Bought a used angel looked all good on the outside and i asked about the inside and he didnt say much...so when i got it and field stripped it .....there was like termites crawling out of it, it was sick... ~:(
ewwww !dodge !ill !ill ... Yea did you buy it? If you did, man i would have just opened it right there and then.
well bought it and it works but a part of the front lcd cover is lifting.. i have to send it to manufacturer. :( i mean i could live with something cosmetic like that but i dont want to have something get inside the player like that.. bah w/e