Almost a year ago I joined eGO's server with no intention of joining a clan when I started talking to the guys there. I asked if I could join there clan and they sent me to the website, I was quickly interested, and became a recruit with the intentions of becoming one of the greatest leaders eGO has ever seen. For about 4 motnhs i stayed in and helped on the server and did my part. I made good friends with a lot of the guys in eGO. I came to them when my girlfriend of 1 year and 1/2 and I broke up. eGO was like a second family to me, I came home everyday hopped on the PC and talked to my buddies, I was diggin it. Then Sushi and Brittany got involved together, and something happend with Brittany and one thing led to another and next thing I knew Sushi and Brittany were out of eGO. I was torn between both all of eGO and my good friends Sushi and Brittany, I decided to leave eGO and go with the new clan that Brittany, Sushi and I were supposed to make but it never got off the ground. I then began to fall away from DoD and went more into CSS and now I am most of all my free time spent on Halo 2 with a gaming community I am now apart of and like a lot. I'm still going to be on Halo all the time but I'm not going to be on the server barely at all. I would love to make my way back up to eGO by just forum participation. I would really like to be allowed back into eGO, not necessarily for the Admin or the server, I just want to be apart of the family I once had. Edge Gamers Organization.