I don't know which is better. I already have a Wii and Call of Duty 3 on it. But i would like to know if the other 2 systems are worth getting. As in price check and quality.
personaly i am a play station guy since it was my first gaming systeam (besides NES which owns all ) but if i had all 3 man i would be the most popular kid in my school/neighborhood.
I won my XBox 360 and I got my Wii for Christmas so I haven't paid for any of them, which is great because the controllers and games are an absolute rip-off.
I am definetly not getting the PS3 because it has Blu-Ray (pipe dream) and $600! Yeah right!
The wii is amazing. I have one, and it is the most entertaining console I ever owned. Nothing beats FPS quite like aiming with your hand instead of a joystick.
Yeah all these console games are getting out of control with their price. Pretty soon people will have to take out loans from their banks just to buy a console!
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