Edge Gamers TeamSpeak Server


Fire Bringer
Board Member
Everyone is welcome to join and chat.

You can download Teamspeak free here: [link=hyperlink url]www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads[/link]

Server Address: teamspeak.edgegamers.us:8772

Server Password: available to members only.

You will need the server password if you are not a registered Teamspeak user. To become a registered user please ask a super admin in Teamspeak to allow registration. (they will have a SA after thier name)

Updated 2-14-07
yeah is there anyway we can get a vent server?....if not i will dl steam if it cant mess up my computer :)
I wish people would start going on the teamspeak more, I go on and check at least 3 times a day. Message me on xfire if you're gona go on! :)
what is all this stuff? I have a mic built into my laptop, and it works fine, but do i have to download something else?
what is all this stuff? I have a mic built into my laptop, and it works fine, but do i have to download something else?
No you do not because i have a mic and to use it on DoD just press and hold k (default) !lol
Well cant we just put teamspeak into the main server??? i mean realy i dont want to go to another server just for teamspeak...just my thought
i use teamspeak but no one is ever on there.. kinda hard to use in dod though because it hinders speaking in gameplay with players in the server itself
i have a vent server.... if anyone will like to go on it
IP is Storm.typefrag.com
Port is: 22628
NOTE: This is also my WoW Guild Vent server! BE WARNED because there might be randome people in there! (No I will Not Buy Another server because im already paying 11$/m for this one, But hey its a server) And Anyway you can make a FREE voice chat server on Xfire.....

Oh yeah i forgot to say... Im 13 but my mic makes me sound like a 6 year old :mad:
no matter what anyone says, do not let go of the teamspeak server. even if it seems like no one is on it. just think of it, its free, its another place for members to chill and talk, and now is a really bad time to be judging if it is a good time to keep it because christmas has just ended and people are getting back to work and school. so just think about it before u think it is useless.
no one can hear me talk
it says that my voice thing has been revoked

[17:47:26] kamakize tommy grants you Auto-Voice rights
[17:47:26] The Server grants you Voice rights
[17:47:35] kamakize tommy revokes your Voice rights

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