Annoying New Chat-box in Latest Steam Update


Poster Extraordinaire
You will note an addition.... when you text chat in-game, it opens a chat-box that is totally annoying since it blocks that part of your screen.

If you hate it, register with: ...and bitch and complain in the forums there. If enough of us do it, they may just back out the change at the next update cycle.

i like it. like cheese said you can see your history, also you can copy and paste text. yea it does take up part of the screen but you also can filter out things that you dont like. i think the only change they need to make is... they need to make it so you can change the opacity of the box so you can see through it.
im not a fan of it cause it blocks ur screen if they made it transparent or at least translucent i wouldnt have as much of problem with it
im suprised in you redshift, using such language, i for one am ashamed of you, heres the quote
"...and >bitch< and complain in the forums there" did you see it, man.....
I don't mind it, I would like it in more of the beige colour theme of DoDS, but that will hopefully be a later add-on.
im suprised in you redshift, using such language, i for one am ashamed of you, heres the quote
"...and >bitch< and complain in the forums there" did you see it, man.

Not at all, I was merely likening it to the barking of a female dog.

....and if you believe that, I have some swamp, er... "beachfront" property you might be interested in. Showing is tomorrow..... wear hip-waders :p
its not that bad accually i thought i hated it at first but i reliezed even before that was added when you were typing you couldnt do anything else anyways so it doesnt change much of anything
its somewhat annoying since yes it does block your screen but its got that whole steam window skin on it... OMG so spiffy

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