Top Fraggers of EGO - As of March 17, 2000


Poster Extraordinaire
The stats show the top three with kills (in order of ratio)

Name............................................ Kills.................Deaths...... Kill/Death Ratio

=(eG)=Hugo Maximus............. 182,788........... 51,488...............3.55
=(eG)=pwntback mountain.......192,890........ 100,817................1.91
Billy Pilgrim ............................. 142,543........ 129,137................1.10

Lets put our hands together and give them a round of applause - followed by some well coordinated nading before they get off the podium !
hey "name" in spanish could also be llama (not pronounced la ma, its pronounced yama)
You guys are cool. I like playing with all you eGO people because you so mature and nice unlike 12 year old kids who come online spamming and acting like an idiot. Keep up the good work!
*shakes fist at hugo* I look at my stats and have like a 105 K:D ratio on some people....and then I see Hugo.... at .5


congrats man
*writes name on hit list*

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