Ego Family

This clan is like the best clan ever!!! everyone is soo friendly and everyone gets along well. Id like to thank all of the people who are =(eGO)= because they keep the clan running :D. Thanks guys, i appreciate your effort to keep the clanning going! !amazed
a family? a dysfuncional family maybe, lol jk, mmm how do u describe ego?....... best ever, full of pwners, cool and fun admins and recruits *cough*, a family, no, an ARMY!!!!!! now charge!!!!!!
Im so glad to be able to go somewhere and talk and not be told to go hit puberty its such a nice relief to be respected and listened to. Thanks for making such a friendly server and family i hope to stay for a long time.
oh it feels good be in such a great clan, so many great members *cough* JMAN, Dye, JohnT, Artimus, and Lance *cough* and in only 8 months, man it is just a great feelling, oh now im gona kill some people *cough* blackhawk, bigbird (maybe), JMAN, and wolen *cough* man this terrible cough lol
LOts of love, Its creats the Vibe witch in turn brings the players to get some of that vibe too. haha. YOu see The clans that just recruit out of skill , most of the time , dont have any chemestry between each other. This is why i love =(eGO)=

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