April Fools Day

We're getting a fourth server....this will run DoD Classic with Para weapons and two nades for each class.

...... April Fool !
Just dropped 10 grand on a new PC. Its super fast and glows a certain color depending on my mood. Its about as small as my mobile phone and projects an image on to the wall in high definition on any resolution (depends on the size of the wall.) NO KEYBOARD! One of the wireless functions partially reads the part of your mind used for typing and projects words you intend to type.The vid card is called a ZPM SG1. Get one if you can find one. The cpu is smart engough to decipher baby talk and dog barks. Worth the money! Go to AFs1.com and check out some of the specs.
Yeah, April Fools day.....happy April Fools day guys

Kendle is straight....APRIL FOOLS!

hope u don't get into trouble!
dye did you say kendle is straight as a circle for shame, april fools day hhmmmm what to do?
Yeah, April Fools day.....happy April Fools day guys

Kendle is straight....APRIL FOOLS!

have to see Kendle react to this