Donner Stats


Sorry for posting my recruitment letter in the general discussion section. It took me several days to figure out how to make any post. Thanks for replying to my post so quickly.

Does the website have stats for the donnner server in addition to the avalanche server? I found one area of donner stats, but it didn't seem like it was updated recently.

AFAIK the donner stats are on hole because of a problem with the HLstatsX program, but I'm not 100% sure.

Kendle can tell us more.
Stats are on hold on Donner until Stormtrooper from Phsycostats (author) reviews the errors.
Jman said:

when it does happen i think slayr will be number 1 because of his thousand punches

i dont think its a thousand, maybe 956, but not 1000, i have nearly 1000 shanks muahahahhaha (ps my sig to be is way better muahahaha) :D