What's in a name

Brick.....cause I love the movie Anchorman, and Steven Carrel is awsome in it!!


I'm riding a furry tractor! =p

mines quite boring really compared to the deep and meaningful explanations above! it came from playing css where on my clans assault server i once had around a 70-80 kd ratio, the stats had been reset and i got like 70 - 0 just using the scout, and I got joking nicknamed corpsemaker by a few of the guys, but i thought it looked better with a "k" and it kinda confuses people which is funny. Have to say though, I <3 my alternate sn, very pointy stick, it just makes me smile :D
Well i got my name cuz i bought DODS after i was depressed for a bit (that's teenager life for ya). I started thinkin bout my 'depression' as my emotional breakdown and there ya go.

Plus BD sounds pretty cool. So does Break.
my name was kind of and accident. i wanted to write chaos but wrote kaos and i wanted to write dose but mispelled it and wrote duse so that's how my name was formed.
I use to go by the name 'Electric Pimp' but it got to be a hassle on some servers who wanted me to change it. I just picked the goofiest name I could think of while I was in a Parliment Funkadelic kind of mood. So I went to 'Crazy Horse' in honor of one of this countrys greatest warriors. Plus there is a pretty cool statue in North Dakota of him that will be around 500 feet high when its completed. They might finish it before I die or the Red Sox win the World Series again, whichever comes first.
Well I have four ferrets. They sleep A LOT (20 hours a day) but when they wake up they go absolutely crazy. Jumping, hopping, running, and just generally spazzing out on each other.

The funniest thing is that they are either absolutely fearless, or just so dumb that they don't know any better. They will completely run after dogs/cats to try to wrestle/play with them just like they do the other ferrets.

Since thats they way I play ingame I thought the name appropriate. I am a very aggressive player focused on flag caps. 6 nazi's on the first flag with an MG? No problem, I will strafe in and nade. I may only kill 3 or so, and will surely die, but I go in full assault mode screaming my head off so the guys behind me can have a chance to cap for the win.

Ferocious Ferret - No fear. Never back down, and you will never see me running away from the fight.
Back in the TFC days I started out as dr.duck (I got nicknamed dr.duck because I had a scapel with which I used to clean my ducks when I went hunting.) I kept destroying my clan mates in practice so they would say "there's that damn duck again" Quack
I always liked the drunken master kungfu movies and I used to be a sailor, people always ask me in server if I am really drunk though lol.
My name Sergeant Stoff came from a nickname I have. My real name is Chris, my buddies used to call me Christof then it switched to just Stoff and its stuck ever since. my other alias is Tony Twigs
I got mine coz it's got a cool ingame meaning - the act of expelling or 'kicking out' someone of their native land (Germany or U.S. in DoD).
well yeah you can guess mine i was bored way back when in BF1942 DC days so i started shooting my own teammates with sniper rifles
i dont anymore but i like the name
When i first started playing games it was fun to knife/punch/mele attk ppl. And every time i would do it i would type SHANKED! The name ShAnKs just came to me one day and iv used it since.

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