Well I have four ferrets. They sleep A LOT (20 hours a day) but when they wake up they go absolutely crazy. Jumping, hopping, running, and just generally spazzing out on each other.
The funniest thing is that they are either absolutely fearless, or just so dumb that they don't know any better. They will completely run after dogs/cats to try to wrestle/play with them just like they do the other ferrets.
Since thats they way I play ingame I thought the name appropriate. I am a very aggressive player focused on flag caps. 6 nazi's on the first flag with an MG? No problem, I will strafe in and nade. I may only kill 3 or so, and will surely die, but I go in full assault mode screaming my head off so the guys behind me can have a chance to cap for the win.
Ferocious Ferret - No fear. Never back down, and you will never see me running away from the fight.