
I'd just like to say my thoughts and condolences go out to those killed this morning in the college in virginia and their families. I hope that everyone in eGo a well as anyone else from america who is in or associated with eGO or has family in america is well and safe and all those that they know are too.

Yeah its a real shame, I cant even imagine what those students of VA tech and the victims families are going through. Its especially hard hitting since Im a college student, really an eye opener.
I really hope thouse 44 wonded are okay... I hate to see my dream collage go down in history for over 22 people killed.. MAN I HATE IT THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO KILL OTHERS JUST TO EITHER PROVE A POINT OR MAKE THEMSELFS FEEL BIG!!! UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!! they are in my prayers.
I just saw the news and i agree with you too oneshot, even though the killer killed himself which i find really awkward
A cowardly way to end a cowardly act. I feel sorry for the families who will never see the man who murdered their children brought to justice
its like in 2000 those two boys killed people in their school then themselves
I cant believe that someone would actually take the time to plan out killing innocent students at a collage and then execute that. That is such a cowardly act its unbelievable. To top it off someone joined the donner server today with the name Virginiatechshooter V2.0. How heartless and shameful is that. Like Pedro says I live in BC and its all over the news here people cant believe it.
I don't know what I would do if someone shot up my campus.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families and survivors

6 hours after the incident Jack Thompson the attorney already blamed video games before the gunman was even identified. I mourn the families of the victims. Let's hope its a deaf ear to those who take tragedy for personal gain.
6 hours after the incident Jack Thompson the attorney already blamed video games before the gunman was even identified.[/quote1176814255]

Pay no attention to him because he's nothing more than a ambulance chasing hack.

My condolences for the families of the deceased.
i feel the same as everyone.... i hate the fact that it lasted two hours or so... and the students didn't know there was a gunman on the loose. Even thought it happened already alot more people could of been saved. seeing something like this makes me hurt deep down. i cant beleive we have stupid people in the world who are like this.

my prayers are with the family members of the 32 who were killed and the many that was hurt. Everyone will remember this forever. it will be in new history books.
and the worst thing is that the local newspaper compared it too 9/11 about how people was jumping out of the buildings.

i hope that the students can still go on there lives the last thing we need is one student killing themself over this...

and the first one he killed was his x-girlfriend i saw somewere. :(
[quote1176816801=Sergeant Stoff]
To top it off someone joined the donner server today with the name Virginiatechshooter V2.0.


I will ban him if i see him
This reminds me of when there was a shooting at my college (Dawson in Montreal), which was horrible because I knew several of the victims. I extend my sincerest condolences to the families affected by this tragedy.

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