Damage Calculator

I seriously don't understand how this works in DoD. My weapons of choice are usually support based so I can deal out more damage. When I'm facing an enemy, I end up killing them ( not bragging) and sometimes I usually die and it will say that I shot this person in the right leg twice and did 75 damage, but it will say they shot me in the right arm twice for 137 damage. So is damage pretty much randomized besides head shots? Thanks in advance.
I believe that once you're injured the next hits will cause more damage. It's funky but that might be the case.
Ya it is kinda random I agree
I hate it when you do like 94 damage in 2 hits or something stupid like that obv the guy is not going to be moving after that.
I agree with Dye aim for the head ur bound to hit something anyway
Head and chest shots do a specific ammount of damage but limb shots change depending on how far the hit was away from the torso. Im not completely sure about that but from what Ive seen thats what i think.
Head and chest shots do a specific ammount of damage but limb shots change depending on how far the hit was away from the torso. Im not completely sure about that but from what Ive seen thats what i think.

But why do I sometimes get head shots that do 6 damage or less? Explain that! :)
6 or less? woah you must have shot them in the ear lol, yeah like the kar98 usally kills ya in one hit no matter were. but i dont think its radomized, more specific, like where u shot them and how far
yeah ive been shot twice in the leg and recieved ~215 damage but shot some1 in the chest with kar98k and only did around 86 damage to them (low for the kar)
some i gonna go with food fight's theory second shot does more damage
[quote1177371078=Makaveli the Don]
I like to aim chest and let the recoil run my shots up to his head, thats just how I roll.
same here, aim low is my motto!
It probably is randomized. Even if the shot is in the head, I've seen people survive [barely... probably no more than 5 hp left] being shot directly in the face. The thing that bothers me is the hitboxes. I don't go out and whine 'WTF I SHOT YOU!!!' like I've seen people do before, but I sometimes find it odd that my enemy has bullet wounmds from the firefight and it says I hit him, yet his remaining HP is 100%
It depents I guess...If you barely hit the leg you can only do 5 or so damage...then hit it better and do 60 or so...and you get only 65 or so.
I have so bad aim I always do only 99 dmg xD
AFAIK each weapon has a range of damage per hitbox and this damage depends on how close you are and depending on that the range will get smaller, after that it's just random numbers between a small range (might even be so small that it's only one number!).
I sometimes find it odd that my enemy has bullet wounmds from the firefight and it says I hit him, yet his remaining HP is 100%

That's happened to me quite a few times, I shoot someone (usually chest/head area) see blood spray from the hit, been killed myself and apparently i've done no damage ~:( me no like dod hitboxes, i think personally that its the source engine, from experience of playing a huge amount of cs 1.6 and a bit of dod, the hitboxes on those were amazing in comparison to those used for source games. something that steam needs to sort out imo.
yeah except if you have low health, yah u have maybe 9 health, a grenade goes off a pretty good distance and u die, not cool