Anime What are you currently watching?

I wish I could re-experience when I first watched SAO, up until the fairies.. But it was just so good...

The fairy arc had it's ups and downs for me. But I'm overall pleased with the series and enjoyed it a lot.

Finished Toradora and SAO. I'll probably start on SAO 2 at some point but for now going to continue with True Tears and start Noragami.
Fall 2017 has some good stuff.
Kino's Journey.
Fox Spirit Matchmaker (season 2)
Recovery of an MMO Junkie(personally I didn't like it but who knows.)
I actually have this thread on a few forums and keep it bumpin from time to time...

Finished True Tears, watched Kyouki no Kanata. Loved both actually.
Kyoukai no Kanata was very nice. One of the few KyoAni shows, that isn't a slice of life, that was actually good. I'm just trying to get back to my backlog for this season and I'm looking at everything coming next season. I've dropped so many shows this season. More than I normally do. I think I only have 6 or 7 shows left I actually followed throughout the season. Next season is looking a bit stronger than the current though, so hopefully it will be.
Kyoukai no Kanata was very nice. One of the few KyoAni shows, that isn't a slice of life, that was actually good. I'm just trying to get back to my backlog for this season and I'm looking at everything coming next season. I've dropped so many shows this season. More than I normally do. I think I only have 6 or 7 shows left I actually followed throughout the season. Next season is looking a bit stronger than the current though, so hopefully it will be.

The Kyoukai no Kanata movie is next on my list when I've got more than 30 minutes to spare. Looks like a good way to pick up where they left off, because I certainly wanted to watch more.

I never have enough time to keep up with seasonal anime sadly - always catching up on the good stuff from 5 years ago haha. Did you drop a lot this season due to lack of interest / not great shows?
The Kyoukai no Kanata movie is next on my list when I've got more than 30 minutes to spare. Looks like a good way to pick up where they left off, because I certainly wanted to watch more.

I never have enough time to keep up with seasonal anime sadly - always catching up on the good stuff from 5 years ago haha. Did you drop a lot this season due to lack of interest / not great shows?

I'd say more of a lack of interest in the shows this season. I don't think I started with as many shows as I normally do. Some of the shows I was on the fence about just didn't hold my interest I suppose. I know I've dropped a good 7 or 8 shows.
Just finished Sword Art Online 2. I enjoyed the final Arc a fair bit actually, was good to see Asuna get some decent screentime and a story. I also watched Ordinal Scale. Enjoyed that a lot because we actually finally get to see their relationship develop.
Let's see, Beatless,most likely Yuru Camp, Takunomi, and the second season of Ancient Magus Bride.

Of those, Beatless definitely catches my eye. Thinking I might pick at least one up - I generally don't do seasonal anime just due to time, but hey, maybe this is finally the chance!
Akashic Records: I have 2 of the manga (the 1st and 2nd books), and I now want to watch the anime!
Welcome to the NHK, as per my friend's recommendation. Also: can't wait for Zoku Owarimonogatari!

It's been a good year.
I saw the trailer and rumours of Code Geass R3... think we might see it this year? Or will this be like half life 3? Lol
On tonight's hit list...


That's right, Wolf Children. Loved it.
Watching Overlord season 2 and Devilman Crybaby

I highly recommend the overlord series, it got me hooked me up from the 1st episode of season 1.
While devilman crybaby is... a bit too much..

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