Check Out my game


Active Member
Heres a little game i had to make for a project at university. Its nothing special but thought i would jsut post it up anyway.

Controls are left click to shoot and space bar to reload

if active x prompts come up jsut allow them. Also run it in interment explorer becasue with browser issues u can enter ur name in with firefox etc and ur score will be saved as ananomus
I had fun playing your game, but I think I ruined the highscores page. Apparently my name was too awesome for the alloted space.
Her issues u can enter ur name in with firefox etc and ur score will be saved as ananomus

Cute game. BTW, the spelling you were looking for is "anonymous"
it works well with my firefox too. its a good game jimbo. i started a class last term trying to get the basics for creating games like these...the closest i got was a partial completion of a scrolling shooter (like raiden x), and a game called catch the clown !lol.

this is a lot better than what ive ever been able to come up with though !dodge
i like the manual reload option too :D

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