Artimus Springsteen's Boss Board Member Jul 12, 2006 #1 We finally installed the right config file to restrict weapons. One zooka and two snipers per team now.
We finally installed the right config file to restrict weapons. One zooka and two snipers per team now.
H heineken Poster Jul 12, 2006 #2 Sounds good it was kinda wierd with like 5 zooka guys and like 3 or 4 snipers. It wil be better now
Y Yurito Rookie Jul 13, 2006 #3 omg, only 2 snipers?! erm, nm i don't play source (advertise source contempt here)
P permetheus I made one post Jul 15, 2006 #4 thats good two snipers is enough, we dont need 4 snipers on one team.
K Kamakize Tommy Poster Extraordinaire Jul 17, 2006 #5 more then two and the sinper wars begain. It is like more the two mg's and you can put them in the middle and control the map from the axis siide.
more then two and the sinper wars begain. It is like more the two mg's and you can put them in the middle and control the map from the axis siide.