DEAR LORD MAN!!!!ya what server do u play on ya i just quit recently im a 2yr WoW player been playing Since beta its a ok game once u get into it and u hit 60 and yall but let me warn u this its not worth it lol it gets..well lets jsut say boring i have a lvl 60 mage on kelcgos his name is clerix on da horde side and has about 4 epics and all it is pretty much once u get into a good guild ur ganna have ur butt glued to ur seat bc ur in for a long ride once u hit 60 its jsut MC,ZG,AQ,AQ20 and other long instance that take about 6 or more hours to do it sucks thats why i quit bc u have to b there to get dkp and b able to actualy roll on the epixs that drop so in order to b the best u either have to PvP through the BG's to get ur pvp set armor or go through the long instances and PvP is just as bad bc u have 14 ranks to go through and once u get to the 9th rank it gets harder from there the highest i ever been was about half way through rank 9 and that was constant pvp everyday world and BG,But overall its fun but ive played the game too long now so i got bored,But the best classes are Warlock hunter and priest good for PvP and PvE mages are good to but once ppl start geting resitant stuff its all down hill for ya lol rogues are good too and there fun but there not as good as thoughs,If u got any questions just hit me up ive been all the classes got em all to 50+ except druid and a palidan.