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Hey gamers, it’s been a couple of months since a thread was posted in here, so I figured I’d get a discussion started.

What are your guy’s thoughts on Fortnite right now? What do you think they could improve on, what do you think they should stop doing?

Personally, I don’t play Fortnite too much, but I do enjoy the new lava gamemode. I wish Thanos would come back though Kappa

Thanks for the input! (sorry if this is cringey)
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I was disappointed when they decided to remove the Siphon settings (50 Health or Shield when you kill someone, 50/50/50 material drops on elimination, 500/500/500 cap on mats, and harvest rate increased by 40%). These settings made the game more fun. Hopefully they add it back ASAP.
Remove the smg meta, remove the hamster balls, people get champion league running around in a ball and holding left click.
Long time since someone posted on this thread. As of Fortnite chapter 2 season 3 it’s pretty good. Season 8 and chapter 2 season 2 sucked. That’s just my opinion though but as of now there is nothing I would want to change. Still prefer CS:GO and Valorant though.

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