Cable keeps dying

Cable has the ability to transfer at faster speeds (don't listen to any of these fools *wink*). Get an amplifier for your cable connection (bestbuy, etc)

If memory serves me correctly you're not supposed to amplify the signal to the cable modem.

Here is what I would suggest form experience:

1. Make sure the cable modem is as close to the entry point of the cable possible and make sure it is the FIRST device. Splitters = bad. Every time you make a connection you lose a small amount of signal, this is why the cable modem needs to be close to where the cable comes into the home. If you have splitters (who doesn’t?) make sure that cable modem comes off the first splitter in the chain.

2. If you still lose your connection - call the cable company. Many times the cable buried in the ground is old or deteriorated. At my parents house some rodent in the ground had eaten the cable just enough to make the cable modem flaky, but not affect the TV. The cable guys can come and put a meter on the cable and see how strong the signal is. If there signal is bad to the house, then it's their problem and they'll run a new cable.
Don’t feed the DSL/Cable argument. Both are good and it boils down to two things; your preference and your local providers. If you have a crappy cable company that does not manage their system well you might be happier with DSL. If you live to far from the phone company central office and have crappy facilities you might be better off with cable. I’ve had both DSL and cable. Overall I have been more satisfied with the cable but the DSL in my area has made some major improvements.

If you are having cable or DSL problems trot on over to and read their faqs. If you have cable look at some of the troubleshooting tips.
Very well could be a dying modem. See if you can go to a service office and exchange it for free.
Could be the ISP as was mentioned. Small chance it could be your NIC. DSL and cable both provide
good service, just depends on the time of day and flow of traffic.