You and me both.... feel like those that graduated with or around the same time as us, were all victims to it if not the enforcers.ngl in 2019 i got so many freshman hooked as a senior (one kid in our class gets it, spreads in our class, then the youngin's hear and get on in too)
whoops, most of us quit now tho
I've always said that vaping is merely this generations cigarette. Vaping was originally designed to help those cigarette smokers quit yet it got consumed by the wrong generation. Social media presence had a big part to play as well in the boom of vapes. I remember watching Vape Lord Nord at like 16....iykyk.
I'm sure as studies are released, the next generation will have its own "D.A.R.E" class about the harmful effects of vapes, zyns...probably even Galaxy Gas, but then who knows what else will be out by that time ya know.