Update to an old post i made...


EGO Zealot
the post was about my mom who lost her job a while back, well yesterday she had an interview and as soon as she got there and they said she has a job! Which means my family will have more moneys coming in, which could mean i could get a new computer, but we just got our Gold Passes for Kings Island in Cincinnati, Ohio if your gonna go there tell me and i could see you there :)

but back to the point: My mom got a new Job!!! woot! cake for everyone! :)
good job
i need a new computer too since my dad just had surgery and isnt working we cant get the comp yet though
Hooray for money! What would we do without it? Probably all be having a hard time running solitare on our computers thats what. =)
hey jman fedex some of that cake plz im hungry.

shhh don't tell anyone but..... when i was promoted to eG a long time ago i told them i was gonna give everyone cake but, i did not !grr but i did make one !amazed , but i ate it 8)
So wait, does this mean you're staying? Good lord, I've been gone for a day and there's 446 new posts....how's a man supposed to keep up?

So really, are you staying?

So wait, does this mean you're staying? Good lord, I've been gone for a day and there's 446 new posts....how's a man supposed to keep up?
So really, are you staying?

Yes but i was told not to post about me coming back or something like that