SUMMER!!! wooooottt


EGO Addict
15 more school days until im finally out of middle school, gonna miss my friends but it also still means SUMMER!!! time to play some dod 24/7 !amazed !amazed !amazed

but then of course...all my teachers are cramming in tests on any possible thing they can think of for the last week....
i dont like summer, i got an outdoor job, so the sun rips down on me !grr but if any of you ever decide to visit so. cali, hit the beaches!!! "lotta fine gemales 8) "
i have 5 regular school days left, then three exam days, then i have to do summer gym and health, because its free cuz i'm in band woot!
Heh heh heh...I have 3 days of exams (where I have 5 exams in total) and I get to leave once the exams are over. So my last proper school day was Wednesday. I'm supposed to be finished school on the 1st June, but I'm out on Wednesday. Unfortunately I have to return to school every day to finish a research paper (my God I hate Extended Essays, anyone here who does the IB knows what I'm talking about :D ).

I was going to have a summer job being a monitor for the State Exams in my school, but I was only put on the reserve list (which is silly since I'm going to be in the school anyway).

Once the exams are over, I'll be playing way too much DoDs (until July, then I'm off to France for a month and a half, so no DoDs :( ). I'll also be doing a first responder exams (Wikipedia it if you don't know what it is, it's pretty cool :) ).

@ Wanderer: Yes, calculus is fun isn't it? (I truly hate it)
hahahahaha stupid kids. I am already out for the summer!!! awwww yeah im gonna start my summer off with a bang and go wakeboarding this weekend. I CANT WAIT!
Gah! I have until June 16th and then my first year of college is complete...I move out of my dorm at noon on the 16th, move into my new apartment on the 23rd, go back to summer school on the 25th, get off August 1st and then go back to school on September 20th, lol.
