
Top: Sett
Jgl: Mostly Kayn, sometimes Viego
Mid: Akali / Sylas
Bot: Miss Fortune / Jhin
Support: Mostly Pyke, sometimes Lux

Although I'm a Jgl main so 75% of my games are as Kayn in the jungle.

Why? Because Kayn is overpowered, a champion who can adapt really well to your own / enemy teams comp and he has insanely good movement.
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Top: Sett
Jgl: Mostly Kayn, sometimes Viego
Mid: Akali / Sylas
Bot: Miss Fortune / Jhin
Support: Mostly Pyke, sometimes Lux

Although I'm a Jgl main so 75% of my games are as Kayn in the jungle.

Why? Because Kayn is overpowered, a champion who can adapt really well to your own / enemy teams comp and he has insanely good movement.
I was kayn otp in season 9 shit was too busted. Now I play hec, graves, kha, ekko, and diana (all jgl) if i get autofill supp I play brand.
Top: Sion Garen Poppy Kassadin
Jungle: Sion Poppy Skarner
Mid: Sion Garen Velkoz Kassadin Skarner
Support: Sion Garen Velkoz Skarner
ADC/APC: Sion Garen Velkoz Jinx

As you can see here, having fun is my priority. Especially playing full tank sion mid against zed/yasuo mains and outganking them.
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Top: Sion Garen Poppy Kassadin
Jungle: Sion Poppy Skarner
Mid: Sion Garen Velkoz Kassadin Skarner
Support: Sion Garen Velkoz Skarner
ADC/APC: Sion Garen Velkoz Jinx

As you can see here, having fun is my priority. Especially playing full tank sion mid against zed/yasuo mains and outganking them.
i feel like playing kass top would give me cancer haha but i feel on that sion mid shit is funny they do no dmg
Guess by my pf picture 😯

But I also main
Top- vayne,Irelia
Jgl- Lee, Kayn, Graves
Mid - Yas,zed,vlad
Sup- Thresh
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As a Jungler, I'm tasked with having the most planning to do but that also means I have the most freedom. I’ll be planning my pathing moves in advance. I will set the pace and decide where I can make the biggest impact.
Top: Irelia / Sett
Jungle: Diana / Kindred
Mid: Katarina / Ahri / Yone
Support: Senna / Thresh / Morgana
ADC: Kai'sa / Ashe / Xayah

Started playing a month ago, just placed Silver 4. I think that's pretty good.
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Top: GP Fiora Jax
JG: Yi Eve
Mid: Xerath Zed Syndra
Bot: Jhin Twitch Kai'sa
Supp: Leona Janna Thresh

I've main every role for a good amount of time to were I can be decent when I'm filled into them, but I queue for mid/top just cause its more of not needing to help out the team so much or be to reliant on them. As for the champions in mid/top I learned them a long time ago and didn't like any other champs than them.
Top: Dont really play it
Jgl: Amumu, Viego,
mid: Viego, Akali, alot of ap mages, Galio
adc: JHIN
sup: Morg, Lux, Senna, Pyke, others I just have fun wit it

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