Scrim Season Returns to DoD!
BigBird has an unofficial alternating DoD scrim season that about to go start.
By alternating we mean that one week will be a scrim between the three classes of EdgeGamers. The e's, eG's, and eGO's will scrim for the old DoD dogtag. With the added bonus of the e's possibly getting a chance at instant promotion if they can win the dogtag. This doesn't mean that you can keep the G, but if you can beat the eG's and eGO's in a knockdown drag out fight, you will get your chance at admining. Mess up and you lose your G, but you will get your chance.
To be eligible for winning the G, you must participate in scriming both the eG's and eGO's.
The rest of the inter-house scrim season is going to be alternating with the Dogtag scrims. BigBird is going to get us up to speed on that ASAP.
eGO Trips?
WelshToast has been asked to help out the DoD community by leading at least one eGO Trip a week. If you are a DoD eG or eGO and are interested on going on an eGO trip, you might want to get ahold of Welsh in Ventrilo. Sorry e's, eGO trips are only open to eG's and eGO's.