Computer Status!

Well the motherboard came today, and it works! :) All I have left to do is wait for the tubing and the drain valve, which is coming tomorrow, and format my computer and install windows, and then I should be good to go! You should see me back on the servers hopefully by Saturday! Ill also make sure nothing leaks onto the motherboard this time either! !lol
[quote1180665140=Exploding Banana]
Well the motherboard came today, and it works! :) All I have left to do is wait for the tubing and the drain valve,
Meh, water cooling......reminds me of the mainframe days with the Liebert' temp units that pumped distilled water to cool the cpu. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yeah i decided to just go ahead and spend the money on the water cooling, looks nice lol..

I just got this bad boy



real nice, im getting a new door panel that has a huge 250mm fan on the side that cools 90% of the mobo(intake), but right now i have a radiator in the front (2 fans, intake). Fan on the top (exhaust) and two on the back which are also exhaust. Then on top of that i have the psu sucking air from the bottom of it, and blowing it out the back also.

And to top it all off, i went and got water cooling

All from a local Fry's store lol (This weighs in at a whopping 41 lbs :O x) !dodge %-6
It pwnzors, although its very difficult to move around....because most of the time i take it to work, so i have to bring my entire desktop including monitor and all and carry it in. and at 41 lbs stock...with nothing in it, ide say its at about 50-55 lbs (the card alone is 4.5 lbs o.0 aka beast) MuscleMan Randy Matrix!
I could never get into the uv/led lighting stuff. For me, light coming from a computer case has always mean something is actually on fire.

Light bad...
Nice Dye, maybe when i get enough money to build a computer you can tell me what do get
Nice Dye, maybe when i get enough money to build a computer you can tell me what do get

I would love to help, i love building computers
Wooo its up and running again! Only had one problem while I was setting it back up, and that was that some thermal paste got off of the gpu and created a new circuit with a capacitor... ugh, but that was eaisly fixed. I should be back in the server tomorrow!
lol thermal paste drips from your card? lol that sucks, so do you have everything now in order to play?
Yeah, im doing all my ups right now, just make sure you plan for the future, like a direct x10 card, and a case that will hold the future of motherboards, BTX.

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