
Active Member
let us use the result of this poll to end the discussion about it. I have partially made my argument but I will not post it for the first until some result comes in. Post your opinion after your vote. Vote on whether the rockets should keep their ORIGINAL side arms. This poll does not reflect council but has been placed as a means for the clan to view the opinion of its members.
I am a rocket fiend on ava but not so much on any other map, that being said I believe we should keep the carbine and c96. Just my 2 cents though :)
The .45 is a sidearm

Yup, concur with that. They can have a pistol like everyone else. You sure you want to keep this poll? Since a .45 IS a sidearm, the poll has absolutely no value whatsoever.

Besides, council set it up this way and they did have discussion amongst themselves. IMHO it is a good call.
I been down this road. Dont mess with the classes. Adding stuff, sounds like fun. The Assault class could use an extra smoke and grenade... or one of either would be cool. ;P
The .45 is a sidearm
gio you know what i meant by the question and the meaning of the poll. ur just being a meany ~:(
If it ain't broke, don't fix it...keep the original classes!

Don't alter the game just for a couple of maps...if the weapons situation is truly a problem the 'fix' should be applied across all of the eGO servers.

I don't like the new servers configuration. All classes should NOT get pistols. It throws off the game balance. The rocket class also deserver their carbines/mausers back.
What is the point of this really?

the Rocket class is fine.if u really want to use it you should be fine.unless ur just using it for the Carbine or Auto Pistol than thats to bad.

i say its just fne,KEEP IT! XD
[quote1181014894=The Drunken Sailor]
I am a rocket fiend on ava but not so much on any other map, that being said I believe we should keep the carbine and c96. Just my 2 cents though :)
everyone appreciates the third server its awesome possum i get to play all the old maps i started to get Alzheimer's on
I wasn't too bothered before. But I've been playing donner a lot lately and everytime i've I come up against someone with an auto pistol they will mostly win the 1v1. So die auto pistol *kicks rocket man while he's down* hahaha

when do we get a melee only map !amazed

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