Upcoming Tech Team Q&A!

Tech Team Q&A Kamron 23-10-2023.jpg

Upcoming Tech Team Q&A

The Tech Team makes so much possible in the community, often being the unsung heroes who do much more than you may realize. As most of the team's work is done in silence, you may not know much about the team. So, we're offering the opportunity to ask our Tech Team any questions you may have. Are you curious about how they make something work in your specific game? Maybe you want to know how to learn a specific skill the team uses.

Ask what's on your mind in the replies and see it answered in an upcoming EdgeGamers Tech Team Q&A! Even if a question seems too simple, feel free to ask it. This is your invitation to bridge the divide of uncertainties.

Reply with your questions to this thread!

Writer: Lucas15 Lucas15 | Artist: @Kamron

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With all understandings that come with our fabulous tech team voulenteers who do this purely at-will, as just that; Volunteers; given that we know that a lot of them are engaged in various projects that are timeconsuming and have high priorities in some cases, what currently is being done to ensure that every group in eGO is getting the support it needs consistently and evenly, so groups that aren't as big as others will continue to get consistent support? While working through these times with both the need for focus in certaIn areas more than others, and IRL dedications, what mechanisms will be used to ensure everyone gets a good amount of love?
This is for those with either a background in the technical field or planning to enter it professionally. Has being on the tech team helped you garner more experience to contribute to your current or future profession? If so, please elaborate on what has helped you.

Also, what experience did you have before joining the tech team, professionally or as a hobbyist?

Also also, what would you recommend someone, either with or without prior experience, looking to get involved with tech team do to get started?
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how did the tech team manage to implement a global bgp network with edge proxies that lowered the average user latency by 50 percent?

can you explain the automated anomaly detection and remediation used to ensure the 99.9 percent uptime sla on all edgegamers servers?

who is jii and why havent they done a mustoreo?
How are you guys all so awesome in helping out eGO?!

What motivated you to follow the path of going into the tech field?

How long have you been in the tech field, and what is the most useful thing you have learned along the way?

Any advice for any gamers getting in to tech out there?

Thank you guys for all the work you do, and being such an important part of the community! :D Stay AWESOME!
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I've tried getting some answers regarding SourceMod and other groups like them. I've gotten a myriad of answers and nothing seems clear.

Since you guys do work with these tools, maybe you guys can give a more clear answer on some of these kinds of questions.

* What's the status of SourceMod with CS2 and how much are you able to do currently as far as mods go in CS2?

* Do you have any insight to when we'll see EGO and other communities start working on community servers? I know it's limited now but any thoughts from your side of things?

* Is there anything new with CS2 that wasn't possible in CSGO that would be a cool addition to CS2 community servers once they're out?

* Enough of the CS2 questions. I have a ton of questions and suggestions for GTA RP.

* When a new MLO is suggested, but it has too many textures or polygons for optimization. How much work does it take to optimize for ClearRP?

* Would you guys be open to hearing some original ideas for jobs/heists for RP?
What programs do yall use for coding and/or other types of tools

asking because im gonna go and major in coding and development

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