Christmas Themed Art! 🎄

Christmasthemedart (1).png

Christmas Themed Art!

Christmas has arrived! In the season of giving and joyous unity eGO and Media Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas. To share the holiday spirit, the artists of Media Team have made Christmas-themed art to commemorate the day and for our community to enjoy.

Ultralight Christmas.png


HappyHolidays from Buster.png


Immaculate and Trikster.png

Immaculate Immaculate & @TRIKSTR

MerryChristmas december.png




eGO Christmas 2023 Lucas15.png


MCeGO 2.png


We hope you enjoyed the images provided by Media Team.
If you would like to participate in any future themed image articles, apply to be an Artist or another role in Media Team!

Post Art: @heidi | Writer: Immaculate Immaculate

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