Member Services is Recruiting Event Coordinators!


Member Services is Recruiting Event Coordinators

What is an Event Coordinator?

Event Coordinators are responsible for hosting fun events across the community and in MS's case hosting events in multiple games.

What are your responsibilities?
You are responsible for hosting at least one event a month.
You are also responsible for making sure people have a good time at the events that you host.

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible, as a Member Services member you must be an eG level admin or higher for at least 1 month. If you are not in Member Services, you must be an eGO level admin for at least 1 month. Additionally, you must have a microphone that you are able to and comfortable using, and also able to use Discord.
Some exceptions may apply, and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

You DO NOT need to be a Member Services member to apply.

Please copy and paste the format below into either a discord message or a forum PM to @Prinzy

Forum Username:
Discord Username:
Approximate spare time to & from:

Eligibility Questions
Do you have a microphone? (Yes / No)
Are you active on Discord? (Yes / No)
Are you confident and comfortable when speaking to a group of people? (Yes / No)
Are you able to remain calm under pressure? (Yes / No)
Are you comfortable in being in charge of a large group of players.

Personal Statement
Tell us why you would like this position; what interests you in this position; how you think you will be able to help; and any other comments you wish to include.

What's Next?
After this is done you will receive a private message from Prinzy on discord within 3 days.
If you do not hear back please reach out on Discord to any Member Services Leadership member.

Artist: @Ultralight | Writer: @Prinzy

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