Funny Moments of the Month - March 2024
There's nothing more exciting than great frags by our amazingly talented and fun loving members. But there may be nothing funnier than the silly and hilarious moments that arise as we game together. So sit back, relax and grab your popcorn, and enjoy a laugh or two from our fellow members in this months edition of Funny Moments of the Month.
Thank you to all of our contributors who made this month's video possible.
Nouille Chinoise @Bulbas @anas @Honorstar Scarox93 @Sparky414 webby ClayTougher @orka @Jacko
All videos rely on YOU the community to submit clips! We want to see your proudest frags and funny moments in action.
We will put your clips into a video each month that will be selected and compiled for your entertainment.
These frags can come from any game, just be sure to submit them in the google form below.
Important: Official thread for submissions; here. It outlines how your clips can/will be used.
Artist & Video Editor: Immaculate