CS Jailbreak Which Jailbreak Player has the most Aura?


Thread Junky
Which Jailbreak Player has the most Aura? Feel free to provide a top 5 if you feel comfortable enough sharing.

Idk if he has a forum account or not but to me its gotta be that guy sandro
1. santa best le member
2. jacko best ct main
3. ms pushes out all updates
4. nonya for making the best forum posts
100405684928. spare literally the worst player on our server
the guy who made me quit jb in 5 minutes after calling me a very unfortunate name
I heard nonya nonya frightens anyone who comes within eyesight of him. Last I heard there was a guy who didn't believe this and stared right at him; He's been in the coma wing at the hospital ever since.
1. 6ix9ine (grey aura)
2. mouse pouch (yellow/orange aura)
3. nonya (blue aura)
4. unreal (dark purple aura)
5. co-worker (white aura)
1. santa best le member
2. jacko best ct main
3. ms pushes out all updates
4. nonya for making the best forum posts
100405684928. spare literally the worst player on our server
who is that santa guy?
there’s this guy skle… i heard he’s 7’4 irl.. whenever he logs on I get so scared because he EMINATES aura.. probably buff as hell too..
1. 5x radiant stature
2. freakygoomba
3. stirdude
4. sandro
5. robby berto
5.5. all larp eG's
0. thugcat23
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