Other than the first round being something simple, like knives only, pistols only, or knife/grenade, the only thing that really matters to me is improving on the fundamentals. Get the server running correctly. Fix the issues that are there and have not been tended to. The two most major complaints I hear everyday in game are about the lack of registration and the abundant team flashes. 100 tick can be done, and with 64 players. Go try some of the other source servers out there that offer it and compare. The gameplay feel is so much smoother, registration is improved immensely. Secondly, look into a mod or addon that doesn't allow for team flashes - it exists. The spam nade / rebuying issue we had was completely gone overnight with the addition of the no spam / rebuy addon added not long ago. Everyone benefited from it, players and admins. Please do not make massive gameplay style changes to the current server. Maybe make another server for all those grand ideas. Those that prefer that style can have their own place to promote, fill, and play. Thank you though for bringing this issue up to a vote though, as it allows all of us to voice our opinion rather than having changes implemented without notice.