Minecraft In Pilot/Beta Claim Block Revamp


am i doing this right?
Hello all! Over the past week, while grinding the Minecraft server I've noticed that both myself and many other players are having issues regarding the claim block system. Currently, you must spend $500 in-game to purchase a single claim block, which realistically isn't much space. In order to increase the claim size to 100 claim blocks, you would be spending $50,000 which is quite pricey and again doesn't really provide much space to work with. Although we do receive 50 claim blocks per hour played in-game, this time isn't registered if you are AFK like the money reward is, so accumulating claim blocks with this method can take days for most moderate-sized houses.

Proposed Solution:
I believe that claim blocks could be added as its own separate reward to the vote crates. This prevents claim blocks from being a pay-to-win feature, as well as increases the incentive for players to vote for the server even more. The rewards can range from roughly 100-500 claim blocks with increasing levels of rarity so they aren't just handed out for free, as well as in the mix of the current money rewards that the vote crates offer to provide even more RNG. I believe this system will allow players (especially solo) to claim more land in order to expand their farms/bases and prevent them from being griefed. Having access to adequate claim blocks is extremely important, especially because it is impossible to fix any unclaimed land that has been griefed.

Let me know what you guys think or if you have any alternative ideas regarding the claim block system!
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Upvote 2
We get money from EdgeGamers and by voting. After voting for the server through the website, I had 20 voting keys.

To be transparent, I don’t play MC enough on a technical level to understand claim blocks, etc. I’m usually retired on a farm some of my best friends made for me.

You mentioned pay to win, but what exactly are you paying? The money we get in the server is generated from playtime, AFK time, and voting.

Additionally, some, or even most, of our voting websites let you vote more than once every 24 hours.

Again, I don’t play MC like the normal person. Let me forward this thread in Discord to see if we can get some opinions going.

Great suggestion maxish maxish !
You mentioned pay to win, but what exactly are you paying? The money we get in the server is generated from playtime, AFK time, and voting.
Yes, what I meant by that was we should prevent a pay-to-win system being used so players can get more claim blocks. This system doesn't rely on any purchases being made, purely just another incentive for players to vote more.

Regarding the voting system and rewards, the money reward is great, I believe that should stay, but in addition to claim blocks being added as a reward so we don't always have to spend money on more. The current price for claim blocks is very expensive.

You also mentioned how we can use the money received from voting to purchase them, but realistically we don't receive more than a few grand for each time we vote, which only allows us to purchase maybe 5 claim blocks maximum when you vote on every website.

Hope this helped clarify a bit!
From my point of view on all of this I personally think claim block price should be lowered HEAVILY to 50$ or even 20$, alot of people do not have all day to grind and claim blocks are to protect a base, if you don't have something claimed an admin cannot punish someone for griefing, we should not be gatekeeping admining a server or something as simple as protecting your base behind keys as that makes it P2W, sure I can hop on daily and grind claim blocks but someone working a 9/5 or later every day won't have any free time to actually sit down and defend their base with how the system is at this moment.
I like the suggestion, at first I was okay with the struggle to get claim blocks, but I didn't really think much on the point that we have changed griefing rules and we now have made it harder to protect builds. I think if we make claim blocks more easily obtained in any way, maybe there needs to be a Max number you can have(if there isn't already).

I am not sure if the votes crates are able to award claim blocks, but that would be a cool suggestion. Maybe a second crate that accepts claim blocks but only awards claim blocks would be a good option to allow players to choose claim blocks or money for their reward.
I like the suggestion, at first I was okay with the struggle to get claim blocks, but I didn't really think much on the point that we have changed griefing rules and we now have made it harder to protect builds. I think if we make claim blocks more easily obtained in any way, maybe there needs to be a Max number you can have(if there isn't already).

I am not sure if the votes crates are able to award claim blocks, but that would be a cool suggestion. Maybe a second crate that accepts claim blocks but only awards claim blocks would be a good option to allow players to choose claim blocks or money for their reward.
There actually is a max limit on claim blocks, which is set to 50,000 total per player. However, to achieve this "max limit" theoretically, one would either need:

a. A player needs a total of 1,000 hours at a rate of 50 claim blocks received per hour of in-game time. Although possible, it's unlikely for many to dedicate this much time, let alone for new players to receive claim blocks early-game. The system currently works good for parties and people playing together, but can be difficult for many solo players, which a lot of new players will be.

b. Players will need to purchase the remaining 50,000 claim blocks themselves. In order to do this, one must spend $500 per individual block they want to claim. As every player starts off with 400 claim blocks, 49,600 claim blocks would need to be purchased to reach the max. This results in a total of $24,800,000 being spent on claim blocks.

Of course, these numbers are all theoretical and would be if a player wanted the maximum number of claim blocks, but I think it helps demonstrate how difficult it can be for new players to actually accumulate sufficient claims.
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maxish maxish We have set up a new way to get some claim blocks. Please let us know if this alternative works for your idea. :)


Note: You will be rewarded for previous milestones after your next vote, so everyone will benefit!

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