I found this beautiful Husky!


Don't worry, be happy!
A week ago I noticed this dog was wondering around my neighborhood. I actually caught him last week but he somehow got away. Well low and behold he virtually knocked on my door yesterday. He had no tags or chip, and after an online search I can't find any mention from an owner. I fear his owner may've abandoned him. He's approximately 1 year old, slim and medium sized. He's good with children and other dogs. He seems to be in good health and is incredibly gentle and very, very friendly. Someone even took the time to give him some training.

Unfortunately, I can't keep him. I have my own 9 year old dog who doesn't like other dogs. In fact, it was her barking that let me know that this dog was at my door. In addition to my dog I've taken in 2 dogs that a relative no longer wanted and am trying to re-home them. The worst part is public shelters in my area are overflowing with animals and now they're only given 2 weeks to live before euthanasia. It would be a shame for such a young and friendly dog to die at his age. Would anyone in the EdgeGamers community be interested in a fantastic young husky as an addition to the family?

Maybe it's time to get a family pet.

Good news, bad news. I found the owner but they don't want him anymore.. I kind of had a feeling that was the case.
I found the owner but they don't want him anymore..
This is so sad, and I hate how common this is. If you can't love and take care of a pet, you shouldn't get one. Understandable that life changes, and it just genuinely can't work out, but if you otherwise can't fully commit to a pet you shouldn't get one. They're not a toy, or a fad, they're a living, breathing, animal.

Well low and behold he virtually knocked on my door yesterday.
Nonono. This is a sign. It is your dog now, you have been blessed by the Pet Distribution System (PDS). I'm sure your dog could grow to love him! :3
Nonono. This is a sign. It is your dog now, you have been blessed by the Pet Distribution System (PDS). I'm sure your dog could grow to love him! :3
Unfortunately my cousin surrendered his 2 sibling pit bulls to me after he moved. I keep them both fenced in the backyard while my dog has become more of a house dog given the circumstances. They're both extremely friendly and about 2 years old. I'm getting lots of exercise with all the walks, that's for sure (lol). To be honest feeding and caring for 4 dogs along with a wife and toddler would be too much for me. In my area dogs are euthanized after 2 weeks. I'm fighting for them and am committed. I want them to live and be a part of a happy home somewhere. I think that's my role in this.
Unfortunately my cousin surrendered his 2 sibling pit bulls to me after he moved. I keep them both fenced in the backyard while my dog has become more of a house dog given the circumstances. They're both extremely friendly and about 2 years old. I'm getting lots of exercise with all the walks, that's for sure (lol). To be honest feeding and caring for 4 dogs along with a wife and toddler would be too much for me. In my area dogs are euthanized after 2 weeks. I'm fighting for them and am committed. I want them to live and be a part of a happy home somewhere. I think that's my role in this.
I really hope it all works out for you and the doggo. Hope he gets the best home ever with all the treats and love he could ever ask for! :)