CS2: Jailbreak Server Fill This Sunday!


Jailbreak Server Fill!

Jailbreak Server Fill will be hosted on Sunday, September 8th, 2024

5:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM MST / 7:00 CST / 8:00 PM EST

Host: Nouille Chinoise Nouille Chinoise
Co-Host: Jayy

Get ready to rally with your friends this Sunday at 8 PM EST for a HUMONGOUS server fill event hosted by yours truly, Nouille Chinoise Nouille Chinoise . This is your chance to shine and win one of 3 DEDICATED SUPPORTER RANKS through our exciting CHALLENGES!

Throughout this two-hour extravaganza, you can earn points in these VERY specific ways:

1 point for every PRISONER that reaches LR, 1 point for every GUARD that reaches LR.
1 point for correctly answering Trivia questions posted in chat.
Each winner in these categories will be awarded a DS rank for a month, courtesy of Counter-Strike Leadership

Most LR wins [CT / T]: 1 month Gold DS
Reaching LR the Most [T]: 1 month Silver DS
Reaching LR the Most [CT]: 1 month Silver DS

JailBreak Server
connect jb.edgm.rs

Notifications for events will be posted on both the main and CS Discord. The event will be hosted out the CS Discord so join up!

Main eGO Discord: https://discord.gg/edgegamers
eGO CS Discord:


Artist: @Ultralight | Writer: Nouille Chinoise Nouille Chinoise

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