
Poster Extraordinaire
Well this year marks mine and Swampfox5000's 13th year in edgegamers and what a wild trip it has been. For me it was becoming an admin on a server I loved to becoming the last senior manager Battlefield would have, it has been one hell of a ride and I don't think I would have had it any other way.
Well this year marks mine and Swampfox5000's 13th year in edgegamers and what a wild trip it has been. For me it was becoming an admin on a server I loved to becoming the last senior manager Battlefield would have, it has been one hell of a ride and I don't think I would have had it any other way.

Thank you for your years of service.
Well this year marks mine and Swampfox5000's 13th year in edgegamers and what a wild trip it has been. For me it was becoming an admin on a server I loved to becoming the last senior manager Battlefield would have, it has been one hell of a ride and I don't think I would have had it any other way.
lord knows i want to bring BF back, standby soldier and pray

EA/Dice have killed BF by removing dedicated servers, something I fear it will never recover from baring some seriously GREAT BF game in the future, which I just don't see happening.
true that, your best bet now adays is getting a server on BF5 or 1 then using some TERRIBLE tooling (a website that goes back to the server owners battlelog account) to get admins
Well , a few of us are still enjoying BFBC2 on Rome servers , really easy to set up and join , described how to do it in a previous thread .