we. need. MORE. GAMES.


can someone like drag all our former squad members back here so i can force them to lead a squad server

or rust.. ill even take rust at this point - discuss what game you want to see

be nice to have more games to choose from
eGO's last rust server was kinda terrible, it was a super modded 3x that was very bland tho. Had no advantages over the other modded 3x and just felt like a 100x with all the commands. If eGO did a vanilla 2x I'd play, it would need a good LE team tho and I dont think anybody is around to push that
yeh you have to do some stuff to stand out as a rust server. Ive ran a few myself over the years and it takes an active and standout server to do something with them
Do a rust 1 grid server - low pop is okay you only need 15 people on

(1 grids arent actually a 1x1 its more of just a very small map
If ARK didn't run horrendously bad, I'd recommend it as a game for eGO to consider. There are other games like Valheim, etc. etc. that have already been listed. They are not bad ideas, but looking at it from a management point of view, how sustainable would they be, would they attract new recruits or current members even. I suppose we could look at games our members are already playing, and one that is highly popular and has a healthy playercount. It could be a good clan-wide poll.

At the same time, perhaps eGO should prioritize a firm grip on its currently existing servers. We are all looking at CS2, yet it can't exactly be helped in a timely fashion given the technical aspects. Maybe we need more manpower in the tech department, as opposed to new games.

Having played a bit of Devil's advocate here, I do think a new game or two could be the right thing to bring in a big wave of new recruits. Something like Squad or Hell Let Loose could be a good idea.

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