Today, I joined a Discord event, and something weird happened. There was a half naked kid or young adult (waist up) on camera, and people were mocking his body. I don’t remember exactly who it was since I only stayed for about five minutes, but the whole situation felt weird even with a leader in there. The high number of kids in eGO is part of the issue. I understand the idea that everyone should enjoy eGO and have fun, but let’s be realistic. Games like CS:GO attract a player base where 70% or more are 25+ years old and have been playing since the 1.6 or Source days. eGO could expand its appeal by loosening the strict PG-13 rules. For example, allowing cussing instead of instantly banning people for using the "F-word" or similar. The current approach feels overly restrictive and alienates older players.
2. Counter-Strike is dying.
Let’s face it: Counterstrike isn’t as popular as it used to be. Hosting a server isn’t the only way to expand eGO. I manage a Discord server with over 900 members, and we play everything from Starfield to GTA to Minecraft. We have fun without relying on specific game servers. Expanding eGO doesn’t have to mean hosting more servers. There are other ways to grow the community and keep it active. I get that money is a factor, but thinking beyond servers could open new opportunities.
3. Stop using outdated tools like TeamSpeak.
TeamSpeak is a relic. I haven’t touched it in over eight years. Discord’s voice channels are much more relevant today. Community leaders and admins should also stop hanging out in private, locked channels (like they did in teamspeak). Engage with members! People want to connect with leadership, have fun, and feel like they’re part of the community. Leadership is about setting an example and being approachable not staying secluded.
4. Tech team issues.
Jacko mentioned a "lack of consistent, dedicated tech." The problem is that eGO is overly selective. If someone has years of experience coding in Sourcemod, Python, or similar, but you reject them because of something that happened a decade ago, you’re limiting your options. Stop being so picky and give people a chance. Let them prove themselves instead of shutting the door based on strict or outdated criteria. That’s one reason why the tech side of eGO struggles.
Also stop making eG and eGO automatic admins.